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Delapan Personel SDA Jakut Kuras Saluran Jalan Pluit Timur Raya
photo Tiyo Surya Sakti -

Dirty Channel on Jalan Pluit Timur Raya Being Dredged

The mud is already very thick, reaching 30 centimeters

Eight personnel of North Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency are seen dredging the water channel on Jalan Pluit Timur Raya, RW 05, Pluit, Penjaringan.

Penjaringan Sub-district SDA Executing Unit Head, Pendi expressed the channel is dredged up to 500 meters in order to anticipate inundation in the rainy season.

250 PPSU Personnel Deployed to Conduct Mud Cleanup in Krukut River

"The mud is already very thick, reaching 30 centimeters," he expressed, Monday (3/27).

He explained the channel, which is 100 centimeters wide and 120 centimeters high is dredged every day using hoes and buckets.

Since Thursday (3/23) until now, as many as 600 sacks of waste and mud had been collected from the channel.

"It is targeted to be done in three days ahead," he stated.

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